
-Personal Responsibility: By attending this event, you acknowledge that you are responsible for your own actions and behaviors. The hosts and organizers are not liable for any accidents, injuries, or incidents that may occur.

-Alcohol Consumption: If you choose to consume alcohol, please do so responsibly. We strongly discourage drinking and driving. Arrange for a designated driver, use public transportation, or call a taxi or rideshare service if you have consumed alcohol.

- Drinking and Driving: The hosts and organizers are not responsible for any consequences resulting from drinking and driving. Please make safe transportation arrangements to ensure your safety and the safety of others.

- Property Damage: Any damage to property, whether intentional or accidental, is the responsibility of the individual involved. The hosts and organizers are not liable for any property damage that may occur during the event.

- Health and Safety: Follow all recommended health and safety guidelines while attending the event. The hosts and organizers are not responsible for any health-related issues that may arise.

By attending the party, you agree to these terms and take full responsibility for your actions. Let's have a fun and safe event!

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.